Writings, prayers, dreams and excerpts from years of private journals

Thanks for Everything
Everything under the sun belongs to you. The sun itself and the heavens and things we haven’t seen are[…]

Before the Day Begins
My house is dark just before dawn. I’m awake, in prayer and scripture, and readying for the day to[…]

Let Your Light Shine Down
Let your light of life shine down on me today and every day. Let me step into it and[…]

Faith of Dying Embers
My hiding place is a dark cave. Before the dawn, I am awake and lamenting the steps I’ve taken.[…]

Edge of Myself
At the end of myself, standing on my sin like a cliff ledge. I led myself here, not by[…]

Roll Back the Stone
Roll back the stone, Lord.Clear the dirt from upon my grave.Open my tomb and breathe new life into me.I[…]