Roll back the stone, Lord.
Clear the dirt from upon my grave.
Open my tomb and breathe new life into me.
I lie lifeless on my back, the weight of the entire world upon me.
My lungs are empty and I am paralyzed from fear.
How could I let it get this far?
My sins have brought me down to this place of the dead.
Day after day, the same temptations wore me down and I gladly gave in thinking there would still be time.
To have one affliction—to be in bondage to one transgression—surely would be forgivable in your eyes.
I could never break those chains and now time has run out.
There are no more new days for me to find the strength.
These sins are on my record, permanently, those I’ve asked for forgiveness countless times.
Time and time again, you forgave me, but when does your grace run out?
I’ve made sin the ground I stand on, the very earth that covers me.
Only you, Lord, who stepped out of this darkness can carry me away from the creatures in my grave and give me the light of life.
There is no more sunlight for me or nights looking up at the stars.
As my life gives out, I can see clearly the two paths that await me.
Only your forgiveness can lower down the stairway to your kingdom.
Please forgive me, Lord.
I want to feel your presence in your golden city once you shake the dirt from my soul.
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