Let Your Light Shine Down

Let your light of life shine down on me today and every day. Let me step into it and never overstep its pacing. The days are dark and vile, and I need clear guidance. To go out into this world is to trust you with my life. I try to keep my eyes away from temptation, my eyes kept from scorn. The demons, they circle for the attack, bringing every calamity they can imagine into my path. Guide me in your ways, Lord, so I know where to turn. Guard me with your Heavenly protection so no harm befalls me. I want to live my life in service to you, not in hiding, watching the streets from my window. I want to bring souls to you—travel onto those parts of the world that do not know your name so you can bring them the same glory and rescue you gave to me. What can mere mortals do that you cannot keep away from harming me? There is nothing to fear with you directing me. With the full armor on, I’ll praise your name and share it in the very face of evil. You and your angels are with me, lining up for war.


The Kuzma Files


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