Morning stars arise in my heart. I’m up before the dawn to see your sun awake and thank you for the blessings of a new day. When morning comes, my anxieties climb my throat, but you remind me you are the creator of this world and my fears subside. I can still see faint traces of the stars you set into place in the purple air overhead. All these majestic colors that come from your hands: blues like the clearest ocean, oranges and pinks bright with tinges of fire. Lord, you are the greatest painter. Who could ever look at your creation and not know you’re real? My prayers are laid upon your alter in the morning dew. The long shadows soon will start to the fade as the sunlight shapers to gold. I’ll continue to pray for answers all day and thank you for hearing my requests when twilight sets. Surrounded by these pre-dawn sounds and leaves turning over in the wind, I see a glimpse of how beautiful heaven will be— when we can say our prayers face to face with you.
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