At the end of scripture, the apostle John writes about the end of the world—the battle of Armageddon—between good and evil, the armies of the Lord and the powers of Satan and his fallen angels. The Book of Revelation says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies wins this war and that the evil dragon, Satan, is slayed. I’ve always wondered why the ending is given to us in this way — why John lets us believers in Christ in on how this warfare plays out. It’s my own belief that there will come a moment in the battle when, despite what we know about how the world ends, things will be so dark around us … we will be surrounded by so much evil, death and destruction, that we doubt we can win. We’ll be behind so much that we’ll begin to question if John got it wrong. In that moment, someone will arise and set the darkness alight, and behind Him all His soldiers will rise. The one true King that fought the first time without weapons will instead take His fiery sword and swing it through our greatest fears and deadliest giants. We’ll remember the outcome, crawl out from our hiding places, and believe again.
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